A guide to planning your outfits over the whole Year
A guide to planning your outfits over the whole Year, with suggestions and tips to keep you wearing your favorite African print theme clothes, th...
I am a working mum with three beautiful children living in Canada. I was dressing for work and I wanted to wear something different that day. So, I picked my African print dress to wear. My daughter looked at me and asked, "mommy is there a cultural day in your office?" I was surprised at the question and I asked her why she asked, and she responded, "because you are wearing what you usually wear to church".
I was convinced that a lot of other people feel that African print is only meant to be worn to church, parties or weekend. So I decided to incorporate my African clothing in my everyday clothes that I wore to the office.
My colleagues at work really liked my new fashion style. I got several compliments and questions about Africa, the food, the clothes, etc. it brought a different sense of pride and awareness and I decided to start a brand that helps people who want to include African fashion into their everyday work clothes but do not know how to go about doing this. That is how GraPearl was birthed. The name GraPearl, was formed out of the name of my two beautiful daughters, Grace and Pearl.
A guide to planning your outfits over the whole Year, with suggestions and tips to keep you wearing your favorite African print theme clothes, th...
Highlight of activities you can try this Fall