Showcasing African Culture

I work in a fast-paced environment. During the peak of Covid-19, we were still going to work. Our management team motivated us by providing lunch every day for two weeks. We had lots of food from different cultures. 

I found those lunches interesting from a cultural perspective, as we got to taste and eat lots of food from different cultures. There were Indian foods, Mexican foods, Canadian foods, Chinese food, etc. but it suddenly struck me after a few of these lunches, that no one had thought to order African food.  Why was African food missing from the cuisine that had been ordered? I wondered, why is the African culture not top of mind or prominent in a culturally diverse environment that I live in Canada.

 And not just the food, also the music, the language, and clothes are similarly not as prominent culturally in an increasingly diverse Canada. Why are not more non-African cultures attempting or sampling Africa’s rich cultural heritage.    

 More importantly, I thought, How can we change this? I thought by using every chance we get to showcase our African heritage, starting with wearing African print to work. Let me know what you think! Share your thoughts.